Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why did my hairdryer suddenly stop working?

I got water all over my jeans. So I went along them with a hair dryer. I know you're all gonna say I did something wrong and was stupid, but what happened and can it be fixed? :S

Why did my hairdryer suddenly stop working?

How old is the dryer? probably overheated. let it rest for a day and if it still doesnt work better get a new one!

Why did my hairdryer suddenly stop working?



Why did my hairdryer suddenly stop working?

It probably just died out and you need a new one.

Why did my hairdryer suddenly stop working?

Did you check the lint and dust gatherer in your dryer?

Is it over a couple years old, and past warranty?

Well, you need a new one.

Don't call yourself names. I hate hair dryers because you spend a lot and then they jam.

Why did my hairdryer suddenly stop working?

it probably overheated. let it cool down and it will probably work again. my guess is you held it too close to your jeans...

Why did my hairdryer suddenly stop working?

If you pressed the end of the drier against your leg, you just made it overheat, and it should be fine once it cools down. If not it probably burned out.

Why did my hairdryer suddenly stop working?

It could have overheated from drying too close to the pants. Try waiting 5 minutes for it to cool down or check the reset button on the plug.

Why did my hairdryer suddenly stop working?

Did it just stop while you were using it? It's not stupid. People dry their jeans with a hairdryer when they're in a hurry all the time. Maybe it overheated. Maybe the outlet went out. Try plugging it into a different outlet. If you were using it for a long time, just give it a chance to cool off before trying again. Or, it could just have crapped out on you. Con Air makes some good, cheap durable hair dryers.

Why did my hairdryer suddenly stop working?

Is there a red reset button on the plug? It may have reset itself as a safety precaution. Unplug it and press the red button if there is one, it should work then.

Why did my hairdryer suddenly stop working?

You could have tripped the reset. There should be a reset button on both your outlet (if its in the bathroom) and your hair dryer. Push the one on the dryer first, if that doesn't work try the one on the outlet. If that doesnt work your dryer could be burnt out or if there are more lights and electric fixtures in your house that don't work you could've tripped breaker.

Why did my hairdryer suddenly stop working?

I would do like most of the other people suggested and try giving it a while, plug it into another outlet and see what happens. I clean the filter on the end of my hair dryer with an old dry toothbrush. I use the toothbrush on the filter first and on the actual dryer itself if there is build-up. I rinse out just the filter with water. But obviously don't put the hairdryer itself in the water, and always make sure it's unplugged when you are cleaning it. You might just have to break down and buy a new one, but at least now you know how to clean it, so that the new one will last longer. (I have been known to dry a wet spot on jeans before with my hairdryer too, and haven't had the dryer quit, so that probably isn't the problem. -How old was the dryer?)

Good Luck, and happy drying! :)

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